New Title, New Tags w/ 2-year Registration
You have purchased or have been given a motor vehicle or trailer; it has passed Maryland Safety Inspection and it’s time to get tags. The MVA will collect excise tax, new certificate of title fee and 2-years registration/tag fees. We de-coded the information provided on the MVA website below for your convenience.
MARYLAND DRIVERS LICENSE/ID: To title, re-title, register and/or get tags for your motor vehicle or trailer in Maryland, you must have a Maryland driver’s license or Maryland identification card. Your Maryland driver’s license and identification card has a Soundex number on it; that is your MVA identification number. It is very important that you make sure the information on your driver’s license or identification card is up-to-date.
EXCISE TAX: Excise tax is collected by the MVA when transferring ownership of your newly purchased motor vehicles or trailers of any size; unless they are exempt from paying excise tax [exemptions listed below]. To determine the excise tax paid for your newly purchased motor vehicle or trailer, the MVA will multiply the purchase price by 6%.
A notarized bill of sale is required by the MVA if:
- the vehicle is less than 7-years old; and
- the purchase price is at least $500.00 below the NADA “Clean Retail Value; and
- the new owner wants to base the excise tax they pay based on the sale price rather than the NADA “Clean Retail Value.
CERTIFICATE OF TITLE: To apply for a new certificate of title in your name for your new or used motor vehicle or trailer, you must provide the MVA with the most current certificate of title properly signed over to you by the previous owner. However, if the vehicle is from a state that does not issue a certificate of title as proof of ownership, a transferrable registration and a bill of sale must be submitted as proof of ownership when applying for a new certificate of title in Maryland.
LIEN RELEASE: If the current certificate of title to your newly purchased motor vehicle or trailer has a lien on it, a lien release or an original lien release letter from the lien holder must be submitted at the time of requesting a new certificate of title and tags. If the motor vehicle or trailer is titled in another state than Maryland, there may be a place on that certificate of title for the lien holder to sign to release the lien on the certificate of title.
LIEN RELEASE LETTER: In lieu of a lien release, the MVA will accept an original lien release letter provided by the lienholder to release the loan from the certificate of title. The lien holder must provide you with an original letter containing the items listed below to ensure that the motor vehicle or trailer is specifically identified and the lien can be properly released and removed from the certificate of title.
- Name of Lien Holder
- Amount of Original Loan
- Account Number
- Date Lien Released
- Year of Motor Vehicle or Trailer
- Make of Motor Vehicle or Trailer
- VIN of Motor Vehicle or Trailer
- Signature of Party Releasing Lien
- Printed Name of Party Releasing Lien
- Capacity of Party Releasing Lien
- Telephone Number of Party Releasing Lien
MARYLAND SAFETY INSPECTION: Brand new motor vehicles or trailers sold by an authorized dealer are not required to be safety inspected in Maryland. Your newly purchased used motor vehicle or trailer must be inspected at an authorized safety inspection station in Maryland. The safety inspection can take about 90-minutes for most vehicles; trailers may take less time.
Most authorized inspection stations are authorized to inspect:
- Passenger cars;
- Light trucks and SUV’s with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less; and
- Trailers that are 20 feet in length or less, without air brakes.
If the motor vehicle or trailer meets all safety standards and is inspected at an inspection station that offers an electronic inspection service (e-inspection), you will NOT receive an inspection certificate. Your inspection certificate will be electronically sent to the MVA.
If the vehicle meets all safety standards and is inspected at an inspection station that DOES NOT offer an electronic inspection service (e-inspection), the registered inspection mechanic will prepare and give you two copies of the Maryland Inspection Certificate. The green copy is given to the MVA and the goldenrod copy is for your records.
If your motor vehicle or trailer fails to meet even one safety standard, the Maryland Inspection Certificate cannot be issued. You must fix the problem(s) and have the motor vehicle or trailer re-inspected by the same registered inspection mechanic at the same station.
- You have the option of fixing the problem yourself, having the inspection station fix the problem, or taking the vehicle to another facility for repairs.
- If the vehicle is re-inspected within 30 days after the original inspection date andyou have driven it less than 1,000 miles, the inspection station will only need to inspect the defective equipment identified during the initial inspection.
- However, if a new defect is visually observed during the re-inspection, the newly discovered defect must also be repaired and re-inspected.
IMPORTANT: Go to to find an authorized safety inspection station located convenient to you.
- The inspection station can charge you for each re-inspection, unless the repair can be visually verified; and
- If you do not have the vehicle re inspected within 30 days or you exceed 1,000 miles, you will be required to pay for a new, complete inspection; and
- For non-dealer transactions, inspection certificates are valid for 90 days, and if already recorded, are valid for 30 days on resale to a subsequent owner.
NEW LIEN INFORMATION: If you borrowed money to buy your new or used motor vehicle or trailer, the lien holder information must be placed onto the certificate of title to ensure that the loan/lien is paid off before transferring the motor vehicle or trailer to a new owner. If a second lien is to be placed onto the certificate of title, the MD MVA form VR-217; Security Interest Filing must be used to add the second lien.
INSURANCE INFORMATION: vehicle insurance is required in Maryland. All Maryland vehicles MUST be insured at all times and the insurance must be obtained from an approved vehicle insurance company licensed to do business in Maryland, or an authorized agent of a properly licensed company. Types of motor vehicle insurance required and minimum coverages are listed below:
- VEHICLE LIABILITY INSURANCE: Vehicle liability insurance pays for damages caused by you and suffered by other parties for personal injury, death, or property damage. You must carry at least the minimum amounts of vehicle insurance required by the Motor Vehicle Laws.
- UNINSURED MOTORIST COVERAGE: Uninsured motorist coverage pays damages, after any applicable deductible, that are caused by an uninsured motorist and suffered by you. You must carry at least the minimum amounts of vehicle insurance required by the Motor Vehicle Laws.
- PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION [PIP]: Personal injury protection coverage provides the benefits for medical, hospital and disability up to $2,500.00 for all reasonable expenses arising out of an accident. Full personal injury protection provides benefits for you, any member of your family, and any non-family occupant of your vehicle. You may also choose limited protection, which excludes benefits for you and members of your family who are 16 years of age and older. The alternative costs less and should be considered if you already have medical and hospitalization insurance.
- $30,000 Bodily Injury
- $60,000 2 or More People
- $15,000 Property Damage
- DO NOT cancel your vehicle insurance before returning your license plates. The penalties begin with an instant $150 fine for the first 30-days and $7.00 a-day after; not to exceed $2,500 per year. Additional penalties can be found at
- The Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund (MAIF) provides automobile insurance to Maryland residents that have been turned down by two insurance companies or cancelled by one. To get more information on how to insure your vehicle, click here
Registration/Tag Fee: The registration fee in Maryland depends on the type and weight of the motor vehicle or trailer [i.e., car, truck, SUV, motorcycles, ATV, UTV, Scooter, Moped Snowmobile and trailers of any size].
- A mobile home over 35 feet long;
- A vehicle owned by the United Sates and used in the investigation of any violation of suspected violation of the law of the United States;
- A vehicle owned by this Sate or a political subdivision of this States;
- A fire engine or other Fire Department emergency apparatus, including any vehicle operated by or in connection with any Fire Department;
- By a non-profit rescue squad;
- A vehicle owned and operated by the Civil Air Patrol;
- An ambulance, rescue or other vehicle owned and operated for the benefit of the public A vehicle owned and held for the use of the public by a unit of a national veteran’s organization;
- A vehicle owned and operated by a Maryland chapter of the American Red Cross;
- A vehicle acquired by an insurance company as a result of a comprehensive or collision claim;
- A vehicle registered in a jurisdiction the laws of which do not require titling and acquired for resale by a licensed dealer;
- A vehicle that is involuntarily transferred to a licensed dealer and for which a certificate of title is not available;
- A school bus owned by a religious organization or a private school which is exempt from federal income tax under 501 c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
- A privately-owned bus used only for operating the transportation system of any political subdivision in this State, if the bus is used for the transportation of the public on regular schedules and between fixed terminals;
- A vehicle that is otherwise exempt for the excise tax by any other applicable law;
- A vehicle which is used regularly for the transportation of individuals with disabilities and owned by a nonprofit organization providing direct care services to individuals with disabilities which is licensed by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and is wholly or partially funded by the State;
- A mobile hearing and vision-screening vehicle owned and operated for the benefit of the public by a nonprofit civic organization;
- A Class F tractor or truck tractor, however a farm tractor is taxable;
- A Class P charter bus or a Class P for hire bus;
- A salvage vehicle acquired by a licensed dealer that has been restored by the licensed dealer and that has been inspected under 13-507 (a) (ii) of this certificate of title;
- A vehicle acquired for resale by a licensed dealer if the dealer reassignment sections contained on the certificate of title are exhausted;
- A Class M motor home or Class G travel trailer that is transferred or retitled in the dealership’s name under 15-305 (d) (2) of this article;
- A special purpose vehicle owned by a coal company if the vehicle is used: (i) For transportation of workers, coal, or equipment used in the coal production process; and (ii) Exclusively in or on coal mining property;
- A vehicle which is used exclusively in the transportation of disabled or elderly persons, owned by a nonprofit organization, and in which the Maryland Transit Administration retains a security interest;
- A vehicle acquired by a religious, charitable, or volunteer organization exempt from taxation under 501 c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Department of Human Resources, or a local Department of Social Services for the purpose of transferring the vehicle to a Family Investment Program recipient or an individual certified by the Department of Human Resources or a local Department of Social Services as 52 eligible for the transfer;
- A rental vehicle; or
- A gift.
- Gift;
- Historic; and
- Street Rod
The following are VEIP Exempt Vehicles:
- 1976 or older;
- Vehicles weighing more than 26,000 pounds gross vehicle weight;
- Vehicles powered solely by diesel or electric;
- Motorcycle;
- Vehicles registered as a farm truck, farm truck tractor or farm area vehicle;
- Historic or Antique vehicles;
- New vehicles; First 24 months and qualified hybrids for the first 36 months after titling and registration;
- Fire apparatus owned/leased by the State of Maryland, a county, municipality, volunteer fire department or rescue squad;
- Ambulances currently exempted will remain exempt;
- Vehicles Registered to Senior Citizens w/Qualified Emissions Waiver. Mileage must be recertified every two years to continue to receive the waiver;
- Vehicles registered as a Class N street rod vehicle;
- A military vehicle owned by the federal government and used for tactical, combat, or relief operations, or for training for these operations;
- Vehicles registered as a Class H school vehicle or Class P passenger bus.
Note: Complete the reverse side of the VEIP inspection form (form #EP-1) certifying that you meet the criteria listed above. Mail the form to the MVA attention VEIP or hand deliver it to any VEIP Station.
TYPES OF WAIVERS AND WHO IS ELIGIBLE: There are three types of waivers available. A waiver is only valid for the current VEIP testing cycle. At the end of the two-year testing cycle you will receive a new VEIP notification. You must re-apply for the waiver at that time. The MVA does not issue permanent waivers.
- Senior citizen emissions waiver
- Disabled citizen emissions waiver
- Repair Waiver
IMPORTANT: Before you come in to see us, please go to our “What Do I Need” page to make sure that you have everything you need to get what you need the first time.

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